

The Pilates method is a specific training technique with a gentle approach. The goal is to improve posture, strengthen, tone and soften the whole body. The coach is an expert.


Pilates is a physical training method inspired by yoga, dance and gymnastics. It is practiced on the ground, on a carpet, or using devices. “Proprioceptive toys” are also used. These objects (balloons, springs, rubber bands) induce imbalances, which encourage the body to call upon a specific series of stabilizing muscles.


The exercises are laborious, but gentle: without sudden movements and without impact shocks. They should never cause pain or overtax a muscle group. On the contrary, a complete exercise program aims to put into action, alternately, all muscle groups, sometimes in abnormal combinations. Particular emphasis is placed on exercises for the lower trunk (abdominal and gluteal muscles), the region that Joseph Pilates, the creator of the method, called the "generator". We also put a lot of emphasis on breathing. As they require a certain concentration, these exercises allow a good awareness of the muscular function and its control.


The benefits of the Pilates Method


The Pilates method is mainly used from a training perspective to improve strength, flexibility, coordination and the maintenance of good posture. According to practitioners, she practiced regularly and over a fairly long period of time, she acted on the overall health of individuals. Here are some benefits they might enjoy.


To build deep muscles


The exercises of the pilates method solicit the abdominal muscles, the glutes, the muscles of the back, which allows a strengthening of the muscles in depth.


To have a flat stomach


The Pilates method allows you to work the abdominal muscles, which promotes fat loss at this level. In addition, the other exercises are quite physical, which leads to weight loss.


Relieve chronic back pain


In 2011, the results of a meta-analysis showed that subjects in the pilates groups experienced significantly less pain than those in the control groups with minimal interventions (usual doctor care or daily activities). On the other hand, no significant difference was observed between pilates treatments or those of other forms of exercise.